Blue-White - Chemical metering and fluid measurement solutions; chemical metering pumps, peristaltic pumps, diaphragm pumps, multi-diaphragm pumps, flow meters, flowmeters, variable area flow meters, paddlewheel flow meters, ultrasonic flow meters, engineered skid systems, single skid system, duplex skid system, triplex skid system, water analyzers...
skid upgrades municipal 1
skid upgrades municipal 1

CHEM-FEED® Skid System Upgrades

New piping options for enhanced chemical resistance

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Chemically Resistant Materials

Pipe material options include (left to right):

  • PVC
  • CPVC
  • Chem Proline® (PE) – NEW
  • PVDF – NEW
skid system pipes

New Chem Proline® (PE) Piping

Stress crack resistance, slow crack growth resistance, impact resistance, abrasion resistance, brittleness resistance, and ductility

Resists harsh chemical applications with a long-term expected useful life

All welded, no glued joints that will fail

NSF/ANSI 61 certified

chem proline

New PVDF Piping

Works well with acids – Sulfuric Acid 93 – 98%

All welded, no glued joints that will fail

Superior chemical resistance 


New Back Pressure Valve

Maintains flow rate, maintains pressure – this helps maintain proper feed rate and prevents siphoning

Increases dosing precision

pressure valve

New Pressure Switch

Activate or de-activate equipment at a set pressure

Prevent overpressurization hazards

Reduce wear on components

pressure switch


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