Blue-White - Chemical metering and fluid measurement solutions; chemical metering pumps, peristaltic pumps, diaphragm pumps, multi-diaphragm pumps, flow meters, flowmeters, variable area flow meters, paddlewheel flow meters, ultrasonic flow meters, engineered skid systems, single skid system, duplex skid system, triplex skid system, water analyzers...

CHEM-FEED® CD3 – Multi-Diaphragm Metering Pump


Introducing the CHEM-FEED® CD3 – Multi-Diaphragm Metering Pump for Industrial applications.

Features and benefits:

  • DiaFlex® Diaphragms lasts the life of the pump.
  • Large 5” display for easy viewing and intuitive touchscreen controls.
  • Advanced communication protocols include Modbus TCP, EtherNet IP, and ProfiBus.
  • IP67-rated M12 connectors for fast, clean, and watertight connections.
  • Built for the future, new software capabilities will roll out in future firmware updates.

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