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Operation and Calibration

Main Screen

image 13

After the TS05 is turned on, the main interface will display the chlorine residual, pH value, and temperature of the tested solution. The green dot indicates that the communication between the TS05 and the probe is normal. If used, the 4-20ma input signal, 4-20ma output signal and relay output status are displayed at the bottom of the main screen.  

pH Calibration

The probe is calibrated at the factory and it is generally not necessary to calibrate the sensor upon start-up. Depending on use and site requirements, calibration may be necessary as frequently as every 3 months, but typically is not required more than once a year.  

Before calibration, ensure that calibration standards are present, and clean beakers and DI rinse solution is available.  Remove the probe from the unit and rinse the sensor with DI water. Visually inspect the sensor surface and ensure it is clean. Gently wipe with lint free cloth, as needed. Probe cleaning solution is available if needed.  

From the Main Screen, press the Home or Back key to reach the Settings Menu Screen. 

Scroll down to “Probe Calibration” and press Enter. 

image 14

You will now have the option of calibrating the CL2 or pH. Press the Up and Down arrow keys to until pH-L, pH-Z, or pH-H is highlighted. Press enter to begin the calibration process. 

Proper calibration must be performed on at least two of the calibration standards. For more accurate calibration, perform calibration for all three standards.  

For each calibration, place the sensor in the calibration standard for at least one minute and let the measurement stabilize. Then press the Enter key to start the calibration. The screen will ask that you confirm.  Press Enter key for “OK”.   

image 15
image 16

The calibration will typically take 30-60 seconds.  A “Calibration Success” message will appear.  If a calibration error appears, it may be necessary to let the sensor stabilize longer.  

Revert to the main screen to see the actual reading of the standard to ensure it is reading properly.  If readings are incorrect, continuing to drift, or otherwise incorrect, the sensor may be dirty or damaged. Contact factory for assistance.  If sensor replacement is necessary, refer the maintenance section of the Help Center or Instruction Manual.  

Chlorine CL2 Calibration

The probe is calibrated at the factory and it is generally not necessary to calibrate the sensor upon start-up.  Depending on use and site requirements, calibration may be necessary as frequently as every 3 months, but typically is not required more than once a year.  

Before calibration, ensure that calibration standards are present, and clean beakers and DI rinse solution is available.  Remove the probe from the unit and rinse the sensor with DI water. Visually inspect the sensor surface and ensure it is clean. Gently wipe with lint free cloth, as needed.  

From the Main Screen, press the Home or Back key to reach the Settings Menu Screen. 

Scroll down to “Probe Calibration” and press Enter. 

image 17

You will have the option of “Zero Calibration” and “Slope Calibration. “    

Zero calibration is generally needed with new probes and when using the probe to measure very low or trace amounts of chlorine, and should not be required when starting up your APFCL for the first time.  This process will ensure signal readings from the sensor are “0” or within a very low zero-range.  If choosing “Zero Calibration”, ensure you have chlorine-free water. Do not use tap water or unknown water sources.  Place water in clean beaker. Choose “Zero Cal.”  Insert probe into Zero Cal. Leave probe in solution for at least 10 minutes. Press enter when ready to start the calibration. If calibration is unsuccessful, check water supply, clean probe, or allow the probe to sit in the zero cal solutioin longer before calibrating. 

Slope Calibration is required when a new sensor is installed.  Install the sensor into the WR05 reservoir and introduce proper 200-400 ml flow into the system. Allow the water to flow for at least 10 minutes to ensure a proper calibration.  

To perform a Slope Calibration:

Drain a sample of water from the main chamber and perform a DPD method test to determine the chlorine concentration. 

From the Main screen, press the Home button to access Settings options. 

image 18

Scroll to “Probe Calibration”. Press Enter. 

Choose “Slope Cal”  

Enter the value of the tested sample. Click “OK” to start calibration. Confirm calibration. The unit will confirm calibration.  If calibration is unsuccessful, check probe for cleanliness.  

image 19

Historical Data and Trending

Select Historical Data on the setting interface. You can view stored historical measurements of the FCL probe. The TS05 controller stores measurements every 1 minute. This time may be adjusted if desired. Browse the data by using the Up and Down keys. 

image 20

Select the Historical Trend on the setting interface to view historical data in the form of a trend graph. Use the Up and down keys to select between “Day”, “Week”, and “Month”. 

Adjust Historical Data Interval  

By default, TS05 will save sensor value every 60 seconds to its internal data storage, if an application requires 3 months historical data export, it will generate over 10,000 lines of historical data if the historical data interval is set to 60 seconds.  

image 21

However, APFCL allows customer to adjust historical data interval to 1) reduce historical data file size, or 2) capture high resolution data if sensor values change rapidly. 

image 22

Adjust Historical Trend Scale  

image 23

Select the Setup Trend from the Historical Trend page to modify the maximum and minimum value of the Y-axis of the curve. Select the Y-axis range according to the actual measurement application so that the historical curve can be accurately displayed. Use the Up and Down keys to modify. 


Frequently Asked Questions

APFCL Operation

  • What is influent?

    Influent water is the water that enters the treatment process. In a water treatment facility, the influent water is typically the raw water sourced from a river, lake, reservoir, well site, or treated/filtered wastewater effluent.

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