Prior to Operation – System Review
After the APFCL Analyzer has been installed, all components should be checked again for proper alignment and secure connections. Ensure all connections are tight and hardware for the strut supports are secure.
Check electrical connections and wiring (to be done by qualified personnel). Connect the APFCL to power and allow the system to boot. This should take only a few seconds.
Initial System Testing
After all connections and wiring have been checked, begin to introduce water to the system. As mentioned previously, check to ensure water lines are free of debris. It is recommended to disconnect the inlet tubing and run the first 20-30 seconds of water to drain to ensure dirt and debris do not enter the unit. After ensuring the water is clear, turn off the water and reconnect the tubing.
The isolation valve and needle valve on the flow meter should be closed. Open the isolation valve first, then slowly open the flow meter needle valve to introduce water into the unit. Gradually increase flow until the flow reads between 3.1 and 6.2 mph (200-400 mL/min).
Water will fill the reservoir and overflow to drain via the installed overflow weir. Observe water flow by removing the reservoir cover. Check for leaks. Place cover back on the reservoir. The APFCL is now ready for operation/calibration.
The APFCL comes calibrated from the factory, but a field calibration may be required depending on system and site requirements. See Operation section for details on pH and chlorine calibration.
Set-Up Controls and Programming
The APFCL Analyzer can be programmed to provide valuable feedback to SCADA or MODBUS control system. Features and feedback outputs include:
- 4-20mA outputs (3)
- Relay output
- Data logging
- Note: If using “pass-through” 4-20mA signals, no programming or scaling is available via the TS05 display. Simply choose the proper pass-through wires for either pH or chlorine.
- Alarm Settings, Time & Date, Data Export, Signal Hold, and System reset.
To program these outputs/settings, use the Main Screen and press the Main key. All probe related settings and panel settings can be selected on this page.

4-20 mA output Programming
4-20mA output settings can be programmed by selecting the “Probe Settings” and then choosing “Aout Setting.” Then choose “Parameter” to select between CL2, pH, or temperature. Choose “Scaling” to set range of output for the specific parameter.

The Aout mA settings can be calibrated based on actual mA readings.

Output Relay Programming
Output Relay can be configured and activated from Relay Configuration. From the Settings page, select Relay Configuration. On the Relay Configuration page, you can “Turn On” the relay. You are able to set parameters for “Manual”, “Alarm HL”, “Alarm LL”, and “Time” related outputs. Proceed and reboot itself once the procedure completed

Frequently Asked Questions
APFCL Set-Up and Controls
- Why are pH levels important in drinking water?
Treatment of potable water and wastewater is one of the most common applications where pH measurement is used. Water at the lower end of the pH scale can degrade pipes and taps, allowing toxic materials to seep into the water supply. If the pH level is too high, it can cause an unpleasant taste.Dec 15, 2020
Please define the response time formula listed in O&M manualT95≤60s – Free Chlorine / T95≤5s - pH
What are safe levels of chlorine in drinking waterChlorine levels up to 4 milligrams per liter (mg/L or 4 parts per million (ppm)) are considered safe in drinking water . At this level, harmful health effects are unlikely to occur.