Priming and Operating the Pump on the CFCS Single Skid
Before priming the pump, or starting the pump, be sure that all suction and discharge lines are connected properly and that proper valves are open. Review all discharge piping to ensure valves are open to the proper discharge location.
The priming process and controls may be different depending on the pump model. Check pump model instructions on the best way to prime the pump.
To Pump chemical solution into CFCS Single Skid System (valve positioning will be different on dual pump skids.)
- Open ball valve V-1 or V-2, depending on your inlet side.
- Open ball valve V-4.
- Close ball valve V-3 and V-6.
- Open ball valve V-7 to inject chemical solution into your system.
- Start pump
Once the system is primed, put the pump into the desired operating mode and speed.

Calibrating the Pump
If pump calibration is desired, use the provided skid calibration column to calibrate the pump. Calibrating the pump ensures the flow rate reading is accurate to the actual flow provided by the pump. Since flow rates can vary with pressure, suction line conditions, chemical type, viscosity, and other factors, it is desirable to perform a pump calibration to ensure accurate chemical injection.
Calibration of the pump may be slightly different depending on the pump technology being used. Diaphragm pump calibration is more accurate when calibrating against actual system pressure. This means pulling from the calibration column and pumping into the actual system pressure.
Peristaltic pump calibration is more accurate when pulling from the actual suction line conditions at the maximum desired flow rate. This means pulling from the actual chemical tank and discharging into the calibration column.
To calibrate a diaphragm pump on a Single Pump Skid:
- Open ball valve V-1 or V-2, depending on your inlet side.
- Open ball valve V-4 and V-6.
- Close ball valve V-3 and V-7.
- Start the pump and run until the calibration cylinder is filled to the top calibration line. Do not leave the pump unattended during this operation.
- Stop the pump once the calibration cylinder is filled.
- Close ball valves V-1, V-2, and V-6.
- Open ball valve V-3.
- Open ball valve V-7 to inject chemical solution into your system.
- Note the chemical solution level in the calibration cylinder.
To calibrate the pump at maximum speed, Press the prime button on the pump. The prime mode runs the pump at maximum speed for 60 seconds (1 minute).
To calibrate the pump at your desired feed rate, you must pre-program your pump speed before running this routine.
Please refer to the instruction manual for your pump to adjust the feed rate and additional calibration instructions.

To calibrate a peristaltic pump on a Single Pump Skid:
- Open ball valve V-1 or V-2, depending on your inlet side.
- Open ball valve V-4 and V-6.
- Close ball valve V-3, and V-7.
- Start pump and run until calibration cylinder is filled to the botton calibration line, or to your desired measurement point. Leave enough room in the column to ensure column do not over-fill during calibration. Do not leave pump unattended during this operation.
- Stop pump once calibration cylinder is at desired level.
- Note the chemical solution level in the calibration cylinder.
- To calibrate pump at maximum speed into your system, Press the prime button on pump. The prime mode runs the pump at maximum speed for 60 seconds (1 minute) on most Blue- White® pumps. To calibrate pump at your desired feed rate, you must pre-program your pump speed before running this routine.

To calibrate a diaphragm pump on a Duplex Pump Skid:
- Open ball valve V-1 or V-2, depending on your inlet side.
- Open ball valve V-4 and V-6.
- Close ball valve V-5, V-9, and V-10.
- Start pump and run until calibration cylinder is filled to top calibration line, or to your desired measurement point. Do not leave pump unattended during this operation.
- Stop pump once calibration cylinder is filled.
- Close ball valves V-1, V-2, and V-6.
- To inject chemical solution into your system, open ball valve V-3 and V-7.
- Note the chemical solution level in the calibration cylinder.
- To calibrate pump at maximum speed into your system, Press the prime button on pump. The
- prime mode runs the pump at maximum speed for 60 seconds (1 minute) on most Blue-White® pumps. To calibrate pump at your desired feed rate, you must pre-program your pump speed before running this routine.

To calibrate a peristaltic pump on a Duplex Pump Skid:
- Open ball valve V-1 or V-2, depending on your inlet side.
- Open ball valve V-4 and V-6.
- Close ball valve V-5, V-9, and V-10.
- Start pump and run until calibration cylinder is filled to the bottom calibration line, or to your desired measurement point. Leave enough room in the column to ensure column do not over-fill during calibration. Do not leave pump unattended during this operation.
- Stop pump once calibration cylinder is at desired level.
- Close ball valves V-1, V-2, and V-6.
- To inject chemical solution into your system, open ball valve V-3 and V-7.
- Note the chemical solution level in the calibration cylinder.
- To calibrate pump at maximum speed into your system, Press the prime button on pump. The prime mode runs the pump at maximum speed for 60 seconds (1 minute) on most Blue- White® pumps. To calibrate pump at your desired feed rate, you must pre-program your pump speed before running this routine.

Normal Skid and Pump Operation
During normal operation of the skid, there is no adjustment needed. Note the pressure and flow settings during normal operation. Note flow differences if the system has changes in discharge pressure or suction conditions, such as changes in elevation level of solution in the chemical tank, or different discharge locations. Modified process flows or seasonal changes in chemical demand should also be noted.
If using a dual skid, we recommend switching between pumps periodically to ensure both pumps are running properly at all times. Note valve positions if running the dual pumps in a “stand-by / duty” mode.
Do not use ball valves to control flow. Adjust pump speed to control flow.