Powering On the C-1500N Pump
The C-1500N is powered on when plugged into power source. The pump will run when energized, unless the pump has been wired into a customer-provided on/off circuit. The C-1500N comes with a fixed-speed motor and will run at full speed when activated. The pump is not equipped with any controls except the provided mechanical adjustment cam.
Adjustment Cam – Adjust Flow Output
The C-1500N is provided with an output adjustment cam/dial.
The flow rate can be adjusted within a range of approximately 5%-100% of maximum output (20:1 turndown ratio) by means of a mechanical, cam-type mechanism. The mechanism adjusts the pump’s stroke length within the flow range. The pump’s output is affected by the pressure of the system, the amount of suction lift, and the viscosity of the fluid being injected into the pump. Allow for these factors when setting up the pump. Sizing the pump to allow adjustment within the midrange is preferred to maintain accuracy. See below for individual pump model output curve data. See Operation section for instructions on adjusting the cam.
Adjusting the Pump Output – Deluxe Model (no longer offered)
In addition to the cam type mechanism adjustment (section 5.1), the pump output of the C-1500N deluxe unit equipped with an optional electronic cycle timer board can also be fine tuned by adjusting the timer adjustment knob. The totaltime cycle is factory preset and is not user adjustable. The on-time cycle is adjustable from 5% to 100% of the total cycle time. Example: If the total-time cycle is 5 seconds and the on-time cycle is adjusted for 20 percent, the pump will run for 1 second and turn off for 4 seconds (5 second total cycle). This cycle is repeated until either the cycle time is changed or the input power is disconnected from the pump.