Blue-White - Chemical metering and fluid measurement solutions; chemical metering pumps, peristaltic pumps, diaphragm pumps, multi-diaphragm pumps, flow meters, flowmeters, variable area flow meters, paddlewheel flow meters, ultrasonic flow meters, engineered skid systems, single skid system, duplex skid system, triplex skid system, water analyzers...

NIST Flow Meter Calibration Services

Blue-White offers traceable 5-point flow meter calibrations.

Each meter is individually calibrated with water only and includes a calibration certification graph.

For new meter orders, add the option number to the meter model number when ordering.

For existing meter re-calibrations, contact the factory (714-893-8529) to obtain an RMA number and shipping instructions.

Variable Area Flow Meters

Variable Area Flow Meters

  • Option #76V1 – ½” pipe sizes and less
  • Option #76V2 – ¾” to 1½” pipe sizes
  • Option #76V3 – 2″ pipe size

Digital Paddlewheel Flow Meters

Paddlewheel Flow Meters

  • Option #76P1  –  F-1000 Series Models
  • Option #76P2  –  F-2000 Series Models

Blue-White’s class A calibration standard test equipment is certified to provide accuracy of: +/- 0.43%. The measurement uncertainty of the standard used in this calibration does not exceed 25% of the certified accuracy of the flow meter under test.

The Blue-White calibration standards comply with MIL-STD 45662A and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 and are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Service available for Blue-White products only.

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